
The second hashtag for the semester is, #EmpowermentTechnologies

September 24, 2018 — Monday

On this meeting of M.I.L., we compared using technology vs the traditional way through playing a game. We used technology first and played “The World’s Hardest Game” on our computers. It was hard indeed, but definitely doable with much patience and strategizing needed. I managed to get until Level 4, with 200+ trials. 

Using technology in gaming is definitely much more common nowadays. It’s more advanced, innovative, and living in this digital age has brought gaming in the palm of our hands with the use of smartphones, computers, and consoles.

After half of the period, we moved back into our classrooms and played a game called “Spot the Difference” the traditional way, which involved a pen and a paper. It was a group effort and we had to circle the 24 differences of each picture given. 

It’s been awhile since I last played something that wasn’t a game on my phone, and it’s actually refreshing to do something that was more traditional and required no technology.

Although using technology has it's advantages, this activity reminded me that even with just the use of a simple pen and paper for playing, we could still have just as much fun as doing something on our smart devices. 


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