
LAST TUESDAY, September 11, 2018, we had our first activity in Media and Information Literacy.

We were only asked to bring sticky notes and we didn't know what we were gonna use them for until Sir Harren explained to us what the activity was about.
All of us would have to write a one-word description for each of our classmates in a sticky note and place it on their backs.

I had alot of fun trying to come up with a description for each of my classmates, some of which were inside jokes and some were just literal adjectives.

After the giving of sticky notes, Sir Haren called out a few names including myself, and had us read in front of the class the sticky notes that we recieved.

Some of the notes I recieved were a little bit embarassing, and some of them were decent and kind descriptions. 

This activity was definitely a fun icebreaker as it gave us a chance to know better our other classmates who we haven't really talked to much and it was also interesting to hear what our classmates thought of each other. 


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