#OralCommunication II

Media Literacy vs. Information Literacy

Our second #OralCommunication activity is comparing Media Literacy and Information Literacy through the use of a venn diagram or any type of chart that would show the similarities and the differences between the two.

My Media Literacy & Information Literacy Comparison Diagram
After making our individual diagrams, we were grouped the next meeting and we had to make a presentation comparing Media and Information literacy, with the help of our compiled diagrams. 

Each group then presented in front of the class and explained the similarities and differences of Media and Information Lit., through their own creative ways of presentation. Some groups did roleplaying while others made PowerPoints.

This activity helped us to distinguish the differences between Media and Information literacy, which is important especially in the age of technology, and will also help us in effectively evaluating, analyzing, and creating messages in a variety of forms.


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